Order queue management has also been added.

A minor change is that double-clicking on an object will focus and zoom in on it.
One thing I have been looking into is introducing sound and battle scenes into the client.
Battle scenes in thousand parsec are defined by a BattleXML file, which is a file format detailing how many sides there are in a battle and the makeup of the individual fleets together with a turn-by-turn breakdown of how the battle went. A sample pygame viewer as well as documentation on the format can be gained from the battleviewer git repository, although I have not run the viewer yet. One problem with BattleXML is that currently it is only supported by tpserver-py and not tpserver-cpp, which is the more popular server. Another issue is that it has to be implemented by the ruleset specifically and requires a media definition file to map 3d models to ingame objects as well as any weapon effects. Perhaps there could be a random battle generator so that support can be easily added for all rulesets?
Sound support is already available in Python-Ogre via OpenAL, a cross-platform api for 3d sound. So it's really a matter of finding the right sound effects. I've found a program called song04 which generates ambient soundscapes, it sounds quite alright and I'll be trying it out as a background soundtrack next week.
In somewhat related news, my old computer is probably on it's last legs as it frequently hangs upon startup (or the kernel starts to panic), and it has no internet access as the network adapter refuses to connect despite using the same settings which worked before. I guess it's rather fortunate that I got a new PC recently.
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